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Host Intruder (Mootoo)

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Host Intruder (Mootoo) Empty Host Intruder (Mootoo)

Post  Host Intruder Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:50 pm

Hello friends,

Well i am Mootoo, student at the University of Technology, Mauritius currently studying Computer Science With Network Security. This is our forum, your forum as well, hope some post will help you in some way. We will try to post interesting stuffs, especially for educational purposes, youth, Mauritius, technology and among others. Feel free to share your ideas, something you think will help someone us. If you want to join the team, send me a personal message. Currently we are on the lookout for energetic, passionate and talented individuals to help us to keep our forum fresh.

Favorite Music Gerne: Rock, Country, Classical, Hard Rock

All Time Favorite Artists / Bands: Nirvana : Beatles : Lorna : Black Eyes Peas : Metallica : Norah Jones : Out kast : Gwen Stephanie : Olivia Ruiz : Avril Lavigne : Red Cell : Red Hot Chilli Pepper : LInkin Park : Emilie Simon : Muse & U2, TracyChp, ColpP ,PedroSV, GianM, JLGuerra, Merengues GilbertoSR, Alaska, Aerosmith, William Luna, MaxCastro, Antologia

Favorite Movies:
The Ring :: American Pie :: Saw :: Ghost Rider :: Mr Bean :: Exorcism :: Scary Movie :: La Maison De Cire :: Les Schtroumpfs :: Kirikou Et Les Betes Sauvages :: Hurlements :: La Fortress Noir :: Massacre a la tronconeuse .

Favorite TV Shows:
24 Chrono : Desperate House Wives : Rumeurs(Quebec) : Catherine : South Park : Lost : Prison Break : Couleur Locale (Et Oui) : Envoye Special : Thalassa : Rumeurs : Savoir Plus Science : Encore : Blanche Neige Et Les 7 Nains : South Park : Club Dorothe : Yu Gi Oh : Pokemon : Les Mysterieuses Cite D'Or : Pinnochio : Mr. Bean : Les Adventures de Tintin :
Host Intruder
Host Intruder

Number of posts : 181
Age : 38
Location : Mauritius
Registration date : 2008-01-15


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