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Fast Facts - War

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Fast Facts - War Empty Fast Facts - War

Post  Host Intruder Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:09 pm

The shortest war on record took place in 1896 when Zanzibar surrendered to Britain after 38 minutes.

The longest was the so-called 100-years war between Britain and France. It actually lasted 116 years, ending in 1453.

It was during the 100-years war that direct taxation on income was introduced, a British invention designed to finance the war with France.

Since 1495, no 25-year period has been without war.

Since 1815 there has been 210 interstate wars.

During the Battle of Waterloo, Lord Uxbridge had his horse shot from under him 9 times.

Chevy Chase was a battle that took place on the english-Scottish border in 1388.

The doors that cover US nuclear silos weigh 748 tons and opens in 19 seconds.

The first recorded revolution took place at around 2800 BC when people from the Sumerian city of Lagash overthrew bureaucrats who were lining their own pockets but kept raising taxes.

The NATO attack on Serbia in 1999 during the Kosovo war killed more animals than people.

The very first bomb that the Allies dropped on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

There are 92 known cases of nuclear bombs lost at sea.

The first reference to a handgun was made in an order for iron bullets in 1326.

When killed in battle, Japanese officers were promoted to the next highest rank.

During the 1991 Gulf War, the Allies dropped more than 17,000 smart bombs and 210,000 dumb (unguided) bombs on Iraqi troops.

In 1997, the US maintained 13,750 nuclear warheads, 5,546 of them on ballistic missiles.

In 1998, the US spent more than $35 billion on its nuclear weapons programme.

In 1997, the US exported $15,6 billion in arms to developing countries, 54% of which went to non-democratic regimes.

Global spending on defence total more than $700 billion. Global spending on education is less than $100 billion.

Although the two-finger V for Victory sign is synonymous with Winston Churchill, it actually was the idea of a Belgian refugee in London, Victor De Laveleye.

Chemical and biological warfare have been used long before World War 1. During the Peloponnesian War in the 5th century BC, Spartans used sulphur and pitch to overcome the enemy. During ancient and medieval times, soldiers sometimes threw bodies of plague victims over the walls of besieged cities, or into water wells. During the French and Indian wars in North America (1689-1763), blankets used by smallpox victims were given to American Indians in the hope they would carry the disease.

Host Intruder
Host Intruder

Number of posts : 181
Age : 38
Location : Mauritius
Registration date : 2008-01-15


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