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Thaipoosam Cavadee ::: 22 January 2008

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Thaipoosam Cavadee ::: 22 January 2008 Empty Thaipoosam Cavadee ::: 22 January 2008

Post  Host Intruder Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:08 pm

The Thaipoosam Cavadee

The tamil community of faith celebrate this Tuesday, January 22 Thaipoosam the Cavadee, in homage to the god Muruga. This celebration marks the end of the fasting period of ten days, during which the faithful engage in frequent prayer meetings and various sacrifices, synonymous with faith and devotion.

Fasting, a symbol of purification, is a necessary way to chase away evil spirits that animate the faithful to evacuate envy, hatred and other temptations. In order to indicate the beginning of this period of abstinence, a flag, commonly known as the "kodi," is hosted in the courtyard, a sign that they are preparing to receive the sacrament of the god Muruga.

A procession to honor Muruga ...

The previous evening, the pilgrims proceed with the construction of Cavadee by collecting bamboo, wood and flowers; pious images and pots of milk are also needed to build a Cavadee. Each family member is called to bring its contribution and the time-sharing usually lasts till dawn.

The next day holiday, sessions of meditation and prayer are in the early morning at home, asking for grace and blessing. Then began the traditional pilgrimage to the temple: the faithful, some of whom have cheeks, arms or torso transpercés by fine needles, converge there wearing their Cavadee.

Thaipoosam Cavadee ::: 22 January 2008 0118a210

These needles represent the peacock feathers, animal fetish god Muruga. This procession to the temple is lively songs and prayers and pilgrims occasionally stop by the sea and on the banks of rivers for offerings and purification baths.
Host Intruder
Host Intruder

Number of posts : 181
Age : 38
Location : Mauritius
Registration date : 2008-01-15


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